How To Improve Your Class Workouts...
Go ahead, check yourself out. UrvisionPT classes are held in a studio with floor-to-ceiling mirrors, which are a great way to ensure that you're following along with the instructor correctly. Sellect a spot where you have a clear front or side view of your body while you work out so you can ensure that you're doing the moves correctly and in time with the rest of the class.
It's good to change up your routine regularly so you don't get bored, but if you want to see results from your fitness class, then it's all about consistency. UrvisionPT class instructors slowly raise the difficulty for their regular students as the weeks go on, ensuring that your body won't plateau and that you're building your strength and endurance week on week. Once you've found a class that you love, make it a regular part of your whole workout routine to really see the benefits. UrvisionPT classes are a good choice when you need someone to push you, but you've still got to make sure that you're maximizing your time in class. Just because no one is there counting every one of your reps personally doesn't mean you can stop when you feel like it; make sure you push yourself past were you would usually feel comfortable by doing the moves for the entire recommended period or going for the heavier weights, as long as you are able to do each exercise correctly to avoid injury. You don't have set up your station front and center, but taking too much of an effort to hide behind everyone can lead to difficulty seeing or hearing what your instructor is saying whilst the music is loud. If you're feeling shy about being in the front row of a new UrvisionPT class, then be strategic about the spot you choose, and remember that everyone is there to learn, not to judge! |